Tofu Bacon

This is much tastier than the fake bacon you can buy at the store, and it's only a little more trouble to make.


8 ounces firm tofu [Picture of a dish of tofu bacon]
2 T oil
2 T nutritional yeast flakes
2T soy sauce
1/8 t liquid smoke
  1. Cut the tofu into rectangular slices about 1/8-inch thick, approximating the shape of bacon slices. Pat the slices dry.
  2. Heat the oil at medium-low in a non-stick or well-seasoned frying pan, and arrange the tofu in the pan in a single layer. Cook till brownish and crispy on the underside, then turn tofu over and cook the other side till brown.
  3. Sprinkle the tofu with nutritional yeast, stir around till well coated, then add the soy sauce and liquid smoke and stir till the liquid's absorbed.
  4. Serve hot.

